

Published July 15, 2024

By the Piano Man

I don't think we liked each other at first. Even though I thought Beth was pretty, I assumed she was a dumb Midwestern redneck...

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Published June 7, 2024
A lazy day on the water, sun shining, warm heat on the boat deck. She's lying on her towel sunning herself and gets really hot. She slips off her bikini top to reveal her full ...
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Published June 7, 2024

Shirley Cheznik was a 18 year old red headed girl. She weighed two hundred pounds and she was only five feet tall. She had with nipples an inch long.

She liv...

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It Pays To Be Neighborly

Published June 4, 2024

Three doors up the street lives Jennifer, the most beautiful woman in the neighborhood. Her auburn hair falls to her shoulders in a soft, sexy way. Her broad smile alway...

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Black Safari for Sophie Chapter 3

Published June 4, 2024

Nightfall came on quickly and the sounds of birds and other animals gave rest to the dark. Sophie was finally brought to the falls and re-united with her mother, Janet. ...

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Island Surprise

Published May 26, 2024

Last year I decided I had had enough stress in my life. I packed up the things most important to me, locked up my house and headed for the Caribbean. That's right, t...

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Will you watch me

Published May 24, 2024

Dawn is a little older than me, she's not really my type, but there is a still something that turns me on like no other can. she's 37 and I am a 30 year old male...

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Alina Part 1

Published May 24, 2024

I showed up at my 's place unannounced. When I rang the bell, there was download porn video no answer so I figured Adam and his wife, Alina, went out. I stooped to ...

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